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Army Training Unit west LCpl - Cpl PTI Exeter (To support phase one training)

Devon, United Kingdom
Responsibility Description
1 Assist the Unit with the management of physical development (PD) activities (design/implement and delivery)
2 Update the CoC on health and fitness
3 Assist with the management of physical and recreational training centre when using (P&RTC) facilities, infra and firm base equipment.
4 Manage self and subordinates
5 Assist optimising soldiers' physical performance including health and wellbeing
6 Conduct physical fitness testing to include screening
7 Assist in the organisation of PD events/assist PT development for Unit's operational role
8 Conduct Unit duties/support higher fmn PD branches

Qualified to work in ARITC est operating under the direct/indirect supervision of an RAPTCI/UFTO in the delivery of physical and health trg.

RAPTC|INSTRUCTOR CL3|Army| or the equivalent legacy qualification RAPTC|PTI BASIC|Army|

Raptc|Aa Pti|Army|

Instructional|Defence Trainer (DTc)|Joint| or equivalent (Instructional|TRAIN THE TRAINER|Joint|) (DTTT) required within an
agreed timeline.

RAPTC|INSTRUCTOR CL2|Army| or the equivalent legacy Qual RAPTC|PTI ADVANCED|Army| and CMS|Diversity and Inclusion Practitioner D&I (P)|Joint

Note from QMSI

  • Support the QMSI PD
  • Deliver Ph1 Training
  • Knowledge of Mandatory Testing
  • Proficient in the use FISS 2 Database
  • SRM Qualified
  • DTC (a) or DTTT(Can qualify in post)
  • IT Proficient

Once your application has been submitted it will be presented to a board of officers to review all applications to ensure a fair employment process. 

You will need to complete 2 forms which we can email out to you if required. We can also offer support should you need any assistance or have any questions about the process and the application forms.

It is anticipated you will visit the unit for an informal chat and to learn more about the role before submitting an application. 

ATU (West) trains the Army's next generation of Army Reserve soldiers.  We deliver demanding, realistic but safe basic training that develops the character of our soldiers so that they can embark on their military career with confidence and a will to win.  We teach the values and standards of the British Army using inspirational role models and ensure that our soldiers can do the basics brilliantly. 

Our mission is:

To deliver trained and motivated Reserve soldiers to the Field Army and establish a centre of excellence in the South West and Wales.

Further Information:

We are a satellite training location who offer reservist the ability to train locally over weekends and modular courses. The unit is small with approximately 60 personnel. With our HQ in Exeter and 2 training companies based in Exeter and Cardiff. We welcome and train reserve recruits from all over the UK. 

This role will also give you the opportunity to undertake training courses that may not be available to you through your own unit, such as Skill at Arms, BCD or Navigation as an example

Encouraged to work upwards of 48 RSD's. Working pattern two weekends per month and/or consolidated courses. Additional RSD's available.

Primarily working in Ypres Coy Exeter, but on occasions there maybe be the requirement to support training delivery in Falaise Coy, Cardiff.

Previous experience of delivery of CMS PD beneficial. Familiarity with the Basic Training environment and Army Reserve will be advantageous.

Must attend DTc (A) within an agreed timeline. Must complete WIP and Safety Risk Management trg within 3 months of appointment (in-house).

Our forecast of events and generic training programmes can be found at the following link:

ATU (West) - Home (

PPP & CV to be sent to, Job Spec can be forwarded on request.